Essentials Package Feature Tour

Just purchased an Essentials subscription? Watch our Essentials tutorial to see what's inside.


Want to read some Help articles instead? Here's what to browse.

  1. Free Shipping

  2. Custom Email and Redemption page Headers

  3. Bulk Recipient Uploads

  4. Email Domain Whitelabeling

  5. Branded Digital Redemption

  6. Custom Collections

  7. Custom Packaging

  8. Invoicing

Free Shipping

This one's easy— simply send gifts to see your new ✨free✨ shipping in action.

Custom Email and Redemption Page Headers. 

Check out these articles to learn more about using your own custom images for your email header, redemption page header, and logo. 

Bulk Recipient Uploads

Want to upload your recipients from a spreadsheet? Here's how to to add them with your Essentials subscription. 

Email Domain White Labeling

By default, Loop & Tie gifts are delivered by Here's how to customize that delivery email address

Digital Customizations

Take your brand beyond the gift email; with branded digital elements, you can extend your logo and colors to your shipping emails, redemption emails, post-redemption page, and post-thank you page.

Custom Marketplace Collections

Custom Collections@2xWe all love a great shopping experience, and sometimes that means narrowing things down. With Custom Collections, you can pare down the available selections in any collection to create your own, custom offering.
Here's how to set up a custom collection →

Custom Packaging

Want to add a little something custom to your physical gifts? Learn about custom packaging and submit an order through the custom packaging tab in your portal.


If it's better for your business to buy gift credits via invoice, we're happy to help. Contact Sales by booking a demo