Make your own collection starting from our marketplace gifts, right from your portal. Here's how it works.
📝 Custom collections are available for Essentials, Premium, and Enterprise subscribers only. Ready to upgrade? Check out our plans and pricing.
Customizing marketplace collections can be a great way to narrow the selection down when you know your gift recipients well or have a specific theme you'd like to gift towards. Customizing marketplace collections allows you to add as few as 20 items to your own collection. It does not, however, allow you to add items that do not already exist in the Loop & Tie marketplace.
If you'd like to create a collection from items that do not already exist in the marketplace, contact your Account Manager to learn more about swag warehousing & fulfillment.
To begin making a custom collection, log into your Loop & Tie portal
Once you're in your portal, click the 'Collections' tab on the lefthand panel menu. Select 'Collections.'
From the collections tab, choose "Customize Collection" on the top right of the collections screen.
Give your custom collection a name. Select Domestic or International and choose a price point to start from. Then, click "Choose Products"
Click 'Add to collection +' under each item you'd like to include in your collection. Note that you will be required to select a minimum of 20 items. When you're done, click 'Save & Review Collection' on the top right.
5. If your collection looks right, click 'Publish' on the top right
You're all set! You can access your new collection in the 'My Collections' tab on the collection shopping step of the send-a-gift workflow, or by clicking on it in the 'My Collections' section of the collections tab in your portal.