What are Loop & Tie Credits?

My account shows that I have available credits; what are they?

Credits 2@2x

Loop & Tie credits are gifting currency; 1 Credit = $1 USD. That means if you have 25 credits in your account, you can send a $25 gift without spending additional money. 

Do I need to have credits in my account to send gifts?

Nope! You can always pay for gifts with a credit card at check out. That being said, we recommend adding credit to your account in advance; it's a great way to keep track of your total gifting budget and how much you've spent so far!

What if I have 20 credits but I'm sending the $50 Collection? 

While it's always possible to add credits before you start sending gifts, if your credit balance is lower than your cost at checkout we'll apply your credits first. You can cover the rest with a credit card!

I paid with a credit card... where did all these Loop & Tie credits come from? 👀

When the gifts you send aren't redeemed by their recipient— either because their gift link expired or you canceled the gift— the gift value automatically gets returned to your account in the form of credits. You can use that cash to send a little more joy out into the world (or just resend a gift to your original recipient). 

Some of / all of my credits disappeared

Loop & Tie credits expire 1 year after they're credited to your account. To break that down: 

- You send a gift, but your recipient doesn't redeem it. Your gift expires (be default this is 1 year after the gift is send, but that timeline can be managed in the send-a-gift workflow)

- The day your gift expires, credits totaling the same value of the gift you sent are added to your account (i.e., if you sent the $50 collection, 50 Loop & Tie credits will be added to your account).

- Those credits remain in your account for 1 year after the date they were added.

- If the credits are used again to send a new gift, and that gift is ALSO canceled or expired, the expiration timeline for your credits will be reset to 1 year from the date they came back into your account. 

Tl;dr: You have 1 full calendar year to use your credits before they expire. After that, expired credits will be automatically deducted from your balance. 

📝 On the first of every month, your Loop & Tie account owner will receive an email letting them know about any credits that are set to expire in the following calendar month. We aim to ensure you're always aware of expiring credits before they're deducted from your balance. 

If you need help using your expiring credits, reach out to your Account Manager to explore gift and campaign ideas.