How do I view gift status by campaign in the Loop & Tie Salesforce app?

View Gift Status by Campaign:


Go to the Campaigns tab and select a campaign record 

If you have not yet done so, please add the Campaign Member Gift Status report component to Campaign Detail page layout. Please refer to the Enable Gift Tracking and Analysis portion of the Loop & Tie for Salesforce onboarding documentation. (Please note that that this component is currently available for Salesforce Lightning users only.)

Once the component has been placed, you can check the status of Leads and Contacts using different filters:

Filter by Name and view associated Gift Status chart

Filter by Gift Status 


Select any of the status values from the drop-down list under Select Gift Status (Example: Redeemed)


Filter based on the Type of Member selected, Contact or Lead or Both



Export Gift Status

Go to Campaign tab and select a campaign record 


Select Export File to download a .csv file of the records for the filters selected