How do I allow my users to log in with SSO?

Supported features:

  • SP-Initiated SSO

Okta configuration:

From your Okta account:

  1. Visit Applications
  2. Search for the "Loop & Tie" app
  3. Add the app to your Okta account

Entra ID configuration:

No configuration is currently required in the Entra platform; please proceed to the Loop & Tie Configuration Guide below

Google SSO configuration:

No configuration is currently required in the Google platform; please proceed to the Loop & Tie Configuration Guide below

Loop & Tie SSO configuration:

SSO is available in Loop & Tie's Premium tier -- if you are not subscribed to the Premium plan, please contact

Once access is granted, the SSO configuration tab can be accessed from the Developers tab in Account Settings.

Select your provider from the services listed:

Okta configuration:

  1. Enter the subdomain of the Okta account that will contain the directory of users allowed to access the Loop & Tie application
  2. Enter the email domain that will be reflected in invited user's usernames
    1. Note: This domain will be used to identify SSO users and will determine the login journey a user sees
    2. Note: Only one email domain at a time can be associated with a Loop & Tie SSO account
  3. Enter your app client ID and secret

Entra ID configuration:

  1. Enter the email domain of the Microsoft account that will contain the directory of users allowed to access the Loop & Tie application
  2. Click "Save changes"

Google configuration:

  1. Enter the email of the Google account that will contain the directory of users allowed to access the Loop & Tie application
  2. Click "Save changes"

Inviting users:

  1. Visit the "Members" tab in account settings and click "Invite members" at top right
  2. Enter the email address of the users you would like to add to your account
    1. Note: the address you enter must match the email domain you assigned to your SSO configuration above
    2. Note: You must have an available seat for each member you add. If you are out of seats, please contact
  3. Users are invited via email; users who accept their invitations will be directed to your SSO provider's login page an authenticated from there

SP-initiated SSO:

The sign-in process is initiated from the Loop & Tie sign-in page:

  1. From your browser, navigate to the and click "Log in with SSO"
  2. Enter the email address associated with your Loop & Tie account
  3. Enter your Okta credentials (email and password) in the Okta-hosted fields and click "Sign in with Okta"
  4. If your credentials are valid, you will be redirected to the Loop & Tie dashboard